Sunday, October 7, 2007

Chinese Propaganda Poster:
Auntie, please use this umbrella

Auntie, please use this umbrella. 1964
Ayi qing yong san

Another poster from my collection.

In China, the nannies in the orphanages are called Ayi (pronounced: eye-yee) or Auntie. When we met Lucy, she would say "Ayi ayi ayi..." so this is a special one for me.


  1. Hi there,

    I stumbled across this image on your blog and I love it! I was wondering where you might have purchased the poster from, whether from inside the PRC itself or through another extraneous source (eBay etc.)?

    I would truly appreciate it if you can give me any information on it and where to find it. Please feel free to contact me on my blog or via email, the details of which can be found on my website.

    Many thanks,

