Sunday, May 11, 2008

The week (and Mother's Day!)

Well - days don't start off much better than this one! :-) Hubby woke me with a plate of eggs, potatoes and even an english muffin - in bed. nice. The girls made some sweet cards for me, too. The jug there is an Asian cracker snack mix that i got hooked on when we were in Hong Kong. Edward found some at the local Chinese market. Lucy LOVES the seaweed ones.

Lucy headed for the pool and we all hung outside for a while. Cassat (one of our 19-yr-old cats) LOVES the kids and cuddled up to Lucy as soon as she layed out her towel...

Mabel's artwork is really amazing. Yesterday, she presented me with this - it's our "flower family."

The week started off with a twist - literally. My knee "went out" on me on Monday morning, so this has been my view most of the week. It's doing much better today - MRI on Tuesday. Hopefully the prescription will be exercises to strengthen the muscles/tendons - and NO surgery. fingers crossed.

Heading to the garden center now for some more dirt. The Sweet Potato bushes arrived yesterday. Need to get them in place today. Will post garden progress photos later today!

Happy Mother's day!!

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