Monday, June 9, 2008

i LOVE Summer

What a great week and start to summer...

We spent the entire weekend outdoors - hanging birdseed feeders, tending to the gardens and swimming, of course! These are the best days. I rarely turn on the kitchen oven - we cook everything we can outside (including several Japanese Eggplants from the garden recently!). Friday, i lunched on a handful of sweetpea pods freshly picked. I must confess to eating them off the vine every time i go out there...
Tonight, we ate the first of the Grape Tomatoes. There are a few Early Girls turning red. Hopefull they'll be part of lunch by Thursday!

One of my favorite things accomplished last week: I installed an outdoors clothes line. Have dried every load since... 4 or 5 of them. Am really hoping that this will help save on the power bill.

more soon... won't wait so long till next time! xo

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